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New applications / system demonstration

Applications for new ratings are welcome. If you would like to know more about VPRS before considering it for your club or racing class we would be happy to answer any questions. Alternatively, we could arrange a visit to your club to present the system to your members—see the contact details below to get in touch.

How to apply

To apply for a rating, you have two options:

If your boat is similar to one that we have already rated you should email the rating office (contact details below) to tell us the boat name and type, sail number and your contact details. We will create a record in the system based upon existing data which we can then amend as required. A list of existing VPRS boats is given on the rated yachts page.

Otherwise you will need to complete an application form (available in both PDF and Excel formats), which can either be emailed or posted to us. Links to the application form, and all the information needed to complete it are on the measurement page. Some measurements must be taken with the vessel ashore, whilst others can only be taken with the vessel afloat. Please contact us if you want help with any of this.

You will also need to send a payment, unless you are joining PYRA, which includes the cost of a certificate in your membership fee. Address, email and payment details are given below.

Remember that VPRS is a purely measurement-driven rating system—no subjective adjustments are made to the calculated rating. It is therefore worth making careful measurements in order to get the fairest rating possible. It is also important to indicate the source of each measurement on the application form, as this will guide any subsequent review where a rating appears to be out of line with expectations.

If anything seems unclear then please ask us for advice. In addition, as we are situated between Lymington and Poole, we can assist with weighing and measuring at locations anywhere from the Solent to Weymouth.

Data Protection

We collect and hold a small amount of personal data in order to provide you with a yacht rating service. VPRS adheres to the principles of Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

We will not transfer your personal data to any third party without your permission. We will never sell your personal data.
We employ generally accepted standards of operational and information technology security to prevent loss or misuse of your personal data.
We will notify you promptly in the event that our security is breached such that your data is at risk.
You have the right to access your personal data, to have it corrected or, in certain circumstances, deleted.

If you want access to your personal data for any reason please get in touch: contact details below. More information on the GDPR is available from the Information Commissioner's website.

Annual revalidation

VPRS is continuously under review and will be updated between seasons in response to feedback and evaluation to ensure that observed performance is closely modelled by the system. The ratings for all yachts will be recalculated annually.

Revalidation coincides with the calendar year; we usually email a reminder to the owners of all active boats in January. To revalidate, please review the measurement data on your old certificate (which we make available on the archive certificates pages) and email us to request a new rating and advise any amendments—or confirm that there has been no change. You will also need to send a payment; contact and payment details are given below.


For PYRA members: full membership / entry includes an annual rating certificate. Otherwise, VPRS is priced as follows:

Annually Membership, inc. one rating certificate £30
Additional certs (alternative configuration) £15 each
Certificate re-issue (sail plan changes etc) £15 each
Test certificate (so you can evaluate
the effects of potential changes)
£10 each
Certificate amendments to correct data errors free
Measuring Hourly rate £30
Travel £0.50 per mile

Travel time in excess of one hour will be charged at the same rate as measuring.

Attendance at weighing is priced as for measuring, but owners will need to make arrangements for crane and load cell hire. See the measurement page for important advice when weighing.


You can pay by credit/debit card via Stripe payment service:

Standard annual rating certificate £30

Second rating certificate £15

Standard annual rating certificate and second certificate £45

Certificate amendment / re-rating £15

Test certificate £10

Or you can pay by bank transfer. Please
Alternatively you can pay by cheque, which should be made payable to Ruth Kelly and sent to the rating office (address below).
Whichever method you choose please ensure that you indicate the vessel(s) for which payment is being made.

Rating Office contact details

To arrange to have a yacht rated, to get some advice on measurement, to discuss a rating or to give feedback on VPRS, please contact Ruth.

You can contact the VPRS rating office by the following means ...

Telephone: 07808 878373
Post: 2 Ratcliffs Garden, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 8HJ
web contact form

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